Virtual Learning Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

For the 2024-25 school year, Newport News Public Schools is partnering with Virtual Virginia to provide virtual learning options for students. Students enrolled in NNPS will have free access to a comprehensive virtual curriculum through Virtual Virginia. This platform offers a wide range of courses and resources to support diverse learning needs. NNPS is committed to ensuring that all students receive a quality education through this enhanced and flexible learning environment.

What is Virtual Virginia?

VVA is a program of the Virginia Department of Education, Virtual Virginia (VVA) that offers online core academic, Advanced Placement (AP), world language, and elective courses to students throughout the Commonwealth and nation. More information about Virtual Virginia can be found here:

How do we apply for virtual learning?

Virtual Virginia Application 2024-2025 SY is no longer accepting responses as the deadline to register with Virtual Virginia has passed. Open enrollment for SY25-26 will begin in the Spring of 2025.

If a student enrolls in Virtual Virginia (VVA) full time, are they still considered NNPS students?

Yes.  A student who enrolls in VVA full time will be concurrently enrolled in a NNPS home school and will have access to extracurricular programming in the home school.  VVA staff will communicate with home school staff as needed to ensure success.

What actions are needed to have my student enrolled as a full time Virtual Virginia (VVA) student next year?

The parent or guardian should first complete the 2024/25 Virtual Learning Application located on the Virtual Learning Application website. Once the student is accepted, the parent/guardian should expect a phone call from a school counselor or the VVA contact at their home school to make course selections in VVA. This will remove them from their home school courses as noted in the course registration process that occurred earlier this year.

Are there any additional costs assessed to parents/guardians?

No. NNPS will absorb all costs associated with attending VVA.

Do VVA students have to be full-time virtual?

Yes. Students must be enrolled in VVA full time.

Is selection of VVA for all of school year 2024-25?

VVA courses are either full year or semester and the expectation is that this choice is for all of school year 2024-25.

Once my child is enrolled in VVA, does my child have to remain for the entire school year?

Yes. All students enrolling are asked to remain for the entire 2024-25 school year.

May a home-schooled child participate in VVA?

If the child resides in Newport News is of school age, and enrolls in NNPS, then he/she may participate in VVA.

If our child is enrolled in VVA would they be simultaneously enrolled in their home school?

Yes. Students are concurrently enrolled in a NNPS home school. VVA staff will communicate with home school staff as needed to ensure success of the student.

Will my child have a NNPS teacher?

No. VVA has their own licensed teachers. However, students with disabilities served through an IEP will have specially designed instruction provided by a NNPS special education teacher.

What are the hours for VVA?

Click the links below to view school schedules.

Will VVA have the same course options as NNPS?

No. VVA has a broad selection of course offerings but does not have the same classes as NNPS. Students may need to make other selections in elective areas. Students will be able to take general education courses in English, math, science, history and social studies, world languages, art, music, physical education and computer science. Students are also able to take a variety of Advanced Placement Courses. A listing of available courses can be found on the VVA website under K-12 Instruction:

Where can I find the course offerings for VVA?

Please visit these links:

Are VVA students able to access sports, clubs and other activities? How is this information shared with students and families? Will they have access to activity buses and other related services?

NNPS students participating in VVA will be assigned to a home school based on their address. They will then be able to access extracurricular programming in the home school. Transportation to/from such programs is the responsibility of the parent, unless an activity bus has already been scheduled to transport students home from these activities.

Can a student attend one of the magnet programs virtually?

Students who wish to enroll in a magnet program cannot elect to enroll in VVA and must return fulltime in-person at their home high school. The schedule for a full time, virtual student does not allow time for the required attendance at these programs.

May a full time VVA student take courses at New Horizons*?

Yes. Students who wish to enroll in a specialty program at New Horizons can elect to enroll in VVA courses.

What about chorus, theater, band or CTE?

If VVA doesn't offer any prospective course for these classes, then the student should not select VVA.

Will my child follow the same school calendar as the face-to-face students?

No. The calendar for VVA is slightly different from the NNPS calendar. Generally, VVA begins and ends earlier. The VVA calendar can be found here: under the K-12 Instruction tab.

What is VVA's holiday calendar?

The VVA calendar can be found here: under the K-12 Instruction tab.

What does the VVA schedule look like for synchronous instruction?

The VVA teacher will facilitate engaging daily synchronous instruction, Q&A sessions, 1:1 and small-group instructional time for learners during the week. VVA teachers hold posted office hours for regular student and parent communication, create weekly instructional videos and content as needed, and facilitate course pacing with opportunities for remediation and enrichment. Synchronous session absences are reported to the local school for record-keeping, per local school policy.

How will VVA be structured for elementary school students?

Please note that NNPS does not recommend virtual instruction for children in kindergarten through second grade. The elementary schedule can be found here:

How will VVA be structured for secondary students?

The secondary schedule can be found here:

How large are VVA classes?

VVA follows Virginia Standards of Quality for class sizes.

Will my child have access to academic support if they are in VVA?

Yes, a student who enrolls in VVA full time will have access to support by VVA staff.  VVA staff will communicate with NNPS staff as appropriate for additional support.

Will the school issue my VVA student a computer? Will a hot spot be issued if needed?

Yes. Because your child is enrolled in NNPS, a Chromebook will be assigned to them. If any internet support is needed, students\families should contact their school counselor for direction.

If a student is not successful virtually, will they be required to return to in person learning?

The goal is to support students and ensure the enrolling school is informed and involved throughout the time a student is enrolled in a VVA course. VVA teachers and administration partner with the local school mentor, counselor and administrators to support students. VVA initiates student interventions when students are not logging in regularly or attending required synchronous sessions for 1–5, and when course performance is below expectation.

How do VVA students participate in SOL testing?

Students will participate in Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in person at the student's home school. These online assessments are administered under standard conditions unless otherwise indicated in a student's IEP/LEP/504 Plan. Students in grades 3-12 enrolled in VVA will take SOL assessments that are associated with the courses for which they are enrolled. Secondary students enrolled in credit-bearing courses will take the SOL assessments needed to earn verified credits for graduation, and those assessments required under the Every Student Succeeds Act. For specific details please contact your child’s school.

How are attendance and absenteeism handled in VVA?

An essential component of VVA instruction is regular interaction between teachers and their students, including email and phone communications and synchronous instructional sessions via video web conferencing. Every student is invited to attend synchronous instructional sessions, and sessions are recorded for students to view later. Students must follow NNPS policies regarding student attendance in recorded synchronous instruction.

How will information be distributed to families of virtual students about school system happenings?

VVA families will continue to be in the NNPS communication system and will receive all division wide communications.

Where can I get technical support?

A member of VVA technical staff is available to help with VVA-related technology issues through the VVA Tech Support Help Desk. NNPS staff is also available to assist with NNPS-tech related issues.

Does Virtual Virginia provide special education services?

Virtual Virginia does not provide special education services nor classes in a special education setting.  Virtual Virginia staff implements accommodations listed on an Individualized Education Program; however, NNPS special education teachers and related services staff will be responsible for all specially designed instruction for students with disabilities. Opportunities for the delivery of virtual special education and related services will be separate and after Virtual Virginia staff has provided content instruction.

Students with disabilities who receive instruction in the special education setting for core content instruction will not be able to access instruction through Virtual Virginia.  Due to the needs of students served in the special education setting, face-to-face instruction at school may be the most appropriate option to meet student needs.

If my child has a 504 plan, how will he/she receive services and accommodations?

When a student is enrolled in a VVA course, the enrolling school will indicate that a 504 Plan is in place and share any related documents with VVA. The school will work with the VVA teacher to ensure that accommodations and services are provided.

If my child is an identified gifted learner, how will he/she receive services and accommodations?

Gifted services cannot be provided in core classes through Virtual Virginia. They can only be provided by the designated NNPS gifted resource teacher after VVA core content hours.

The enrolling school will work to provide time outside of the Virtual Virginia core content hours for instruction and support related to gifted services. Students identified as gifted at the high school level have a variety of challenging classes, including AP courses, for which they may register in Virtual Virginia as long as they have completed any identified prerequisites.

If my child has an ESL plan, how will he/she receive services and accommodations?

ESL services cannot be provided in core classes through Virtual Virginia. They can only be provided by the designated NNPS ESL teacher after VVA core content hours. NNPS staff will work to provide time outside of the Virtual Virginia core content hours for instruction and support related to ESL instruction. NNPS highly recommends that elementary, middle, and high school English learners who have an English proficiency level of 1.0-2.9 participate in face-to-face learning rather than choosing the fully virtual environment.

Can my child in grades 6–12 choose their courses and daily meeting times through Virtual Virginia?

Yes, Virtual Virginia offers select enrollment options for students in grades 6–12, which provide the flexibility to choose not only the specific courses they wish to take but also the times they attend daily synchronous instruction. This option accommodates both part-time and full-time online learning needs for students across the Commonwealth.

Can my child in grades 1-5 choose their daily meeting times through Virtual Virginia?

No, elementary students (grades 1–5) have a meaningful interaction with their teacher or appropriate school staff on a daily basis.  The VVA teacher will facilitate engaging daily synchronous instruction, Q&A sessions, 1:1 and small-group instructional time for students.

Do VVA courses in Grades 6–12 offer any free eTexts and materials?

Yes, please reference this spreadsheet for free eTextbook resources and materials across 6-12 courses in the program. This spreadsheet also reflects if courses already have all required resources included within the VVA Canvas course.